Yesterday I just found out that my maid use to feed Dayana who is merely 15 months old with bread cicah air kopi o...Can you believe it? Yes I repeat roti cicah kopi o....That is definitely not the way I thought her how to feed bread to Dayana...I tak sukalah orang yang memandai-mandai ni, especially when it comes to what to feed my children.
I was really mad at her, tapi tak boleh nak marah lebih-lebih kat dia...because I'm afraid she might do something bad to Dayana when I'm not around. You know dealing with maid memerlukan kesabaran yang sangat tinggi. Kalau ikutkan hati yang marah rasa macam nak je hantar bibik balik, for your information this is not the only memandai-mandai thing she did to my kids. But after thinking, kat manelah nak letak anak-anak kalau takde bibik kat umah, saya terpaksa bagi bibik peluang sekali lagi. Getting a new maid is not easy now..walaupun nursery banyak but it is really hard to find one that suit my criteria, kalau ade pun the cost is like a bomb, not just burn a hole in my pocket but it'll burn my whole pocket....So saya harus bersabar dan beri bibik peluang sekali lagi....
I was really mad at her, tapi tak boleh nak marah lebih-lebih kat dia...because I'm afraid she might do something bad to Dayana when I'm not around. You know dealing with maid memerlukan kesabaran yang sangat tinggi. Kalau ikutkan hati yang marah rasa macam nak je hantar bibik balik, for your information this is not the only memandai-mandai thing she did to my kids. But after thinking, kat manelah nak letak anak-anak kalau takde bibik kat umah, saya terpaksa bagi bibik peluang sekali lagi. Getting a new maid is not easy now..walaupun nursery banyak but it is really hard to find one that suit my criteria, kalau ade pun the cost is like a bomb, not just burn a hole in my pocket but it'll burn my whole pocket....So saya harus bersabar dan beri bibik peluang sekali lagi....